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Glastonbury has a Met Office Weather Station!

Every morning at 09:00 AM. an observation is made of air temperature, humidity, rainfall, cloud cover, soil temperatures, visibility and present weather.


This information becomes part of an international data bank and is used both for forecasting and for the study of climate change.

Every day this website will display the data.


You can find todays 09:00 temperature,yesterdays highest and last nights lowest, as well as the 24 hour rainfall total.


During the coming months we hope to add sunshine amounts and other aspects of the weather.

Date: 07.02.22

Today at 09:00:  3.9 deg C

Highest temperature yesterday: 10.9 deg C

Lowest temperature last night: 2.9 deg C

Lowest temperature on Grass: -1.2 deg C

Rainfall total, 09:00 yesterday to 09:00 today: 1.9mm

Cloud Cover at 09:00 today: 25%

Weather at 09:00 today: Sunny.

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